
令學生學得開心是我校其中一個重要的信念,他們能於各科的主題學習日中,透過生動有趣的活動,讓他們更有 自信、主動地走出課室,在一個真實的情境及實際的環境中學習並實踐所學。學生除知識外,還會學到不同的技能和 學習方法;進而培養應有的態度、品格和價值觀。這些都對學生以後的生活具有深遠的影響力。


中國文化日以傳統節慶―春節為主題。同學們透過參與華服時裝表 演、寫揮春、搓湯圓、猜燈謎、製作新春掛飾、剪紙、填色、急口令比賽 等多元化的活動,除了加深對中國傳統文化的認識,更能發展其協作能力。


English Day

The English Day was successfully held on 4th July 2023. The theme – “Travel around the World” enabled students to participate in fun English activities while learning about different cultures from other countries simultaneously. For instance, students experienced how to make Mexican piñatas which are used in celebrations. They also wrote and hung their wishes on a Japanese torii. There were multiple opportunities for students to step out of the classroom and enjoy special activities such as booth games, VR games as well as playing baseball. Students are looking forward to the next English Day!



每年舉辦數學日活動,旨在配合學生的興趣和能力,設計多元化的學習活動, 如:STEM活動、攤位活動及競技活動,讓學生動手操作,主動學習,給予更多運用 數學解難的機會,幫助學生解決日常生活、數學或其他情境的問題。


